The ultimate study bundle for todays world including 6 conscise but timely messages for todays Christians.
- Lockdown - It’s wonderful to see in Scripture how the Lord is able to use tough situations to bring blessing to his people.
- Prophecy: What is Prophecy? In this practical and insightful Mini-book, Chris deals with this contentious issue.
- Your Work, Your Ministry - Many Christians view everyday work as being different from “ministry” but God doesn’t see it like that!
- Devoted to fellowship - But what is fellowship? Let the church in Philippi put the record straight!
- Hebrews 12, Running for Gold - there are powerful references to the Olympic Games in key places in God’s Word! In this booklet Chris looks at Hebrews 12, encouraging us all to get into serious training and start running the race…of faith!
- Prepare the Way - The Bible describes the days preceeding the return of Jesus Christ as being days of mounting crisis and challenge. How will we prepare?
Study Booklet Bundle: 6 Study guides covering todays most pressing topics